Places at Treetops Pre-school.
Where the real journey begins!
We take children from 2 years old until they are due to go to ‘Big School’.
We are funded by KCC and offer term-time-only places. We offer funded places via Free for 2 year olds, Working Parent Entitlement for Children from 2 years, Universal Entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds (15 hours) and Working Parent Entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds (30 hours). In addition, we have a non-funded session rate as outlined in our Fee Structure.
For more information about Government Funding follow this link: free-childcare
Our Acorn Class offers 15 places per session for 2-3 year olds.
Our Conker Class offers 25 places per session for 3-4 year olds, the year before children go to ‘big school’.
Treetops Pre-school is an inclusive setting as outlined in our ‘Local Offer’. We welcome children with Special Educational Needs, including Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Physical Disability and Hearing and Visual Impairments, and have knowledge and experience of how additional funding can be applied for and used to make a difference to children’s development. Come and meet our experienced SENCo to discuss your child.
Get in touch!
If you would like to book a visit to Treetops Pre-school please email or phone.
t: 07872536936
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